When you are dealing with acne scars, finding a solution that works can be a real challenge. Deep scars do not just go away with medications or topical creams.
A lot of people have found the answer in microneedling. The name may sound scary, but microneedling procedure is generally painless and is made comfortable by a trained specialist.
What is microneedling?
Your doctor may also refer to it as dermapen or rejuvapen needling. The procedure is performed with an electric device that contains a number of super-fine needles. It is used to poke small holes on the uppermost layer of the skin, break down the scar tissue and trigger new skin cell generation.
Here are three basic things you need to know about microneedling.
- Number of sessions
Generally, a typical regimen may span across 4-6 sessions spaced at 6-8 weeks apart. Your doctor will assess your facial skin and the severity and type of your acne scars. After a careful examination, your specialist will determine the number and microneedling sessions required.
- Recovery time
The recovery time after a microneedling session is pretty minimal. You may notice slight inflammation and redness of the skin, but it subsides within a few hours.Some bleeding may also be there immediately after the procedure, which indicates that the microneedling is successful.Aftercare tips
Your doctor will give you detailed aftercare instructions and a skin care kit to help aid the healing of your skin. Avoid medications such as ibuprofen, Brufen or Advil because they interfere with the body’s natural inflammatory process which is important for skin rejuvenation.Products that contain AHA (glycolic acid), retinol, acidic or active ingredients should not be used for a few days.Do not use tanning spray and cream for two to three weeks after your therapy.Direct exposure to the sun is also not recommended. If you are going out, apply a sunblock with SPF 30 and above.Maintain good skin care and don’t forget to moisturize and keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water.