Men and women Hair Loss Treatment

Men and women – everyone loses hair. On the average, it is normal to shed about 50-100 hairs every day. But if you start to notice bald patches or thinning, you may be experiencing hair loss (alopecia).

A hereditary condition called male-pattern and female –pattern baldness is the most common cause of hair loss. In fact, nearly 80 million people are reported to have genetic hair thinning or baldness in the United States. Male-pattern baldness follows a pattern of a receding hairline, followed by thinning of the hair on the crown and temples. During female-pattern baldness, hair usually only thins on top of the head.

On the other hand, hair loss which begins suddenly may be caused by hormonal changes, certain medical conditions (thyroid problems, scalp infections, alopecia areata), diet or childbirth.

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Because hair loss is caused by a variety of reasons, your dermatologist will need to know about your medical history and do several physical examinations to help in diagnosis. Your dermatologist may perform blood tests to determine if you have any medical condition that may cause alopecia. You may need to undergo a “pull test” that helps establish the stage of the shedding process. Biopsies and samples of your skin’s deeper layers may also help in confirming diagnosis.

How can my dermatologist treat my hair loss?

Some types of hair loss may get better without any medical treatment. In other cases, treatments may help promote hair regrowth. Alopecia is typically harder to treat when a patient has a lot of hair loss. Dermatologists recommend to treat hair loss as early as possible.

Hair Loss Medication

These include Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved drugs such as Minoxidil and Finasteride. Your dermatologist may also use corticosteroids into your scalp to help stop inflammation induced by alopecia areata.


Poor circulation, nutritional and hormonal imbalances may result to hair loss. Mesotherapy can correct these conditions and promote normal hair regrowth. It can also delay male pattern baldness. Mesotherapy is an excellent hair loss treatment that can potentially eliminate the need or hair transplant procedures.

Many things can cause hair loss. If hair loss or thinning concerns you, be sure to see a dermatologist. A dermatologist can find the cause and offer solutions to help you fight hair loss.