For a smoother, tighter and rejuvenated appearance, Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP) – also known as the ‘Vampire Face Lift’ – is an organic treatment that uses platelets drawn from your blood. An eminent favourite among celebrities, this long lasting treatment uses platelets to boost collagen and stimulate new tissue growth to target areas of the face you wish to appear naturally younger and fresher.

How it works:

Platelets are the cells in the blood that help tissue to heal and regenerate. PRP is yielded from your own body through a simple blood draw which is placed in a centrifuge machine to concentrate the plasma cells used for the treatment. The concentrated PRP is then injected into areas of your skin to promote collagen growth and tissue regeneration over a period of time.

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Results & Recovery:

Improvements to your skin will be noticeable within the first month, with full collagen regeneration taking up to 3 months. These improvements will continue over the next 12 months as new tissue continues to grow. The effects last between 18 months to 2 years depending on your age and the area treated. For the best results we recommend up to three treatments 4-8 weeks apart, with booster treatments at around 12 months.
PRP treatment requires little recovery time, however there may be redness and tenderness on the first day, followed by slight bruising and swelling on the second day. You may also notice a sandpaper texture to the skin on the second day which can persist for up to a week.


For a smoother, tighter and rejuvenated appearance, Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP) – also known as the ‘Vampire Face Lift’ – is an organic treatment that uses platelets drawn from your blood. An eminent favourite among celebrities, this long lasting treatment uses platelets to boost collagen and stimulate new tissue growth to target areas of the face you wish to appear naturally younger and fresher.

How it works:

Platelets are the cells in the blood that help tissue to heal and regenerate. PRP is yielded from your own body through a simple blood draw which is placed in a centrifuge machine to concentrate the plasma cells used for the treatment. The concentrated PRP is then injected into areas of your skin to promote collagen growth and tissue regeneration over a period of time.